Dana Drake
Lab Manager
M.S. Biological Science and Biotechnology, Drexel University
B.A. Human Ecology, College of the Atlantic
Peterman, W.E., T.L. Anderson, B.H. Ousterhout, D.L. Drake, F.E. Rowland, J.J. Burkhart, and R.D. Semlitsch. Using spatial demographic network models to optimize habitat creation, restoration, and preservation. Journal of Wildlife Management DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21393
Urban, M. C. J. L. Richardson, N. A. Freidenfelds, D. L. Drake, J. F. Fischer, and P. P. Saunders. Microgeographic adaptation of Wood Frog tadpoles to an apex predator. Copeia 105(3):451-461
Burkhart, J.J., W.E. Peterman, E.R. Brocato, K. Romine, M.M. Willis, B.H. Ousterhout, T.L. Anderson, D.L. Drake, F. Rowland, R.D. Semlitsch, and L.S. Eggert. The influence of breeding phenology on the genetic structure of four pond-breeding salamanders. Ecology and Evolution 7:4670–4681
Anderson, T.L., B.H. Ousterhout, D.L. Drake, J.J. Burkhart, F.E. Rowland, W.E. Peterman, and R.D. Semlitsch. Differences in larval allometry among three ambystomatid salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 50:464-470
Peterman, W.E., B.H. Ousterhout, T.L. Anderson, D.L. Drake, R.D. Semlitsch, and L.S. Eggert. 2016. Using modularity in genetic networks to manage spatially structured metapopulations. Ecosphere 7: e01231
Drake, D.L., B.H. Ousterhout, C.D. Shulse, D.J. Hocking, W.E. Peterman, T.L. Anderson, K.L. Lohraff, E.B. Harper, J.R. Johnson, T.A.G. Rittenhouse, B.B. Rothermel, L.S. Eggert, and R.D. Semlitsch. Pond-breeding amphibian community composition in Missouri. American Midland Naturalist 174(1):180-187
Ousterhout, B.H., T.L. Anderson, D.L. Drake, W.E. Peterman and R.D. Semlitsch. Habitat traits and species interactions differentially affect abundance and body size in pond-breeding amphibians. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:914-924
Anderson, T.L., B.H. Ousterhout, W. E. Peterman, D.L. Drake and R. D. Semlitsch. Life history differences influence the impacts of drought on two pond-breeding salamanders. Ecological Applications 25:1896-1910
Semlitsch, R.D., W.E. Peterman, T.L. Anderson, D.L. Drake and B.H. Ousterhout. Intermediate pond sizes contain highest density, richness, and diversity of pond-breeding amphibians. PLoS One e0123055
Semlitsch, R.D. and D.L. Drake. Structure and dynamics of Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) populations at the periphery of their range in Missouri. Southeastern Naturalist 14(2):329-341
Anderson, T.L., J.L. Heemeyer, W.E. Peterman, M.J. Everson, B.H. Ousterhout, D.L. Drake, and R.D. Semlitsch. Automated analysis of temperature dataloggers to determine inundation state of wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management 23: 1039-1047
Peterman, W.E., T.L. Anderson, B.H. Ousterhout, D.L. Drake, R.D. Semlitsch, and L.S. Eggert. Differential dispersal shapes population structure and patterns of genetic differentiation in two sympatric pond breeding salamanders. Conservation Genetics 16:59–69
Drake, D.L. and K.M. O’Donnell. Sampling of terrestrial salamanders reveals previously unreported atypical color morphs in the Southern Red-backed Salamander Plethodon serratus. American Midland Naturalist. 171:172-177
Peterman, W.E., T.L. Anderson, D.L. Drake, B.H. Ousterhout, and R.D. Semlitsch. Maximizing pond biodiversity across the landscape: a case study of larval ambystomatid salamanders. Animal Conservation 17:275-285
Drake, D.L., T.L. Anderson, L.M. Smith, K.M. Lohraff, and R.D. Semlitsch. Predation of eggs and hatchlings of the endemic Ringed Salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) by native and invasive aquatic predators. Herpetologica 70:378-387
Semlitsch, R.D., T.L. Anderson, D.L. Drake, B.H. Ousterhout, W.E. Peterman, and C.D. Shulse. Small, clustered wetlands promote amphibian persistence. The National Wetlands Newsletter. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C. Sept-Oct:20-25
Pittman, S., M. Osbourn, D. Drake and R. Semlitsch. Predation of juvenile pond-breeding salamanders during initial movement out of ponds. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8:681-687
Osbourn, M.S, S.E. Pittman, D.L. Drake and R.D. Semlitsch. Ambystoma annulatum (Ringed Salamander) and Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander). Climbing Behavior. Herpetological Review 43(3): 458-459
Drake, D.L. and B.H. Ousterhout. Summer breeding of the Southern Leopard Frog Rana sphenocephala (=Lithobates sphenocephalus) in southern Missouri. Missouri Herpetological Association Newsletter 24: 21-22.
Drake, D.L., K.M. O’Donnell and B.H. Ousterhout. Plethodon serratus (Southern Redback Salamander). Periodical Cicada Burrow Use. Herpetological Review 43(2): 318-319
Drake, D.L. and S.E. Trauth. Spea intermontana (Spadefoot Toad) Algal Symbiosis. Herpetological Review 41(4):481-482
Drake, D.L. Lithobates (Rana) onca (Relict Leopard Frog). Cannibalistic oophagy. Herpetological Review 41(2):198-199
Drake, D.L., Drayer, A. and S. Trauth. Bufo americanus (American Toad). Algal Symbiosis. Herpetological Review 38 (4): 435-436
Verburg, P., Kilham. S.S., C.M. Pringle, K.R. Lips, D. Drake, and M. Whiles. A stable isotope study of a neotropical stream food web prior to the extirpation of its large amphibian community. Journal of Tropical Biology 23: 643-651
Drake, D.L. and A.W. Ranvestel. Hyalinobactrachium colymbiphyllum (glass frog) egg mass defense. Herpetological Review 36 (4): 434
Drake, D.L., M.A. Hagerty, J.E. Behm, S.J. Goldenberg and J.R. Spotila. Marine turtle nesting at Playa Naranjo, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, during the 1998-99 season. Chelonia Conservation and Biology 4(3): 675-678
Drake, D.L. and J.R. Spotila. Thermal tolerances and timing of sea turtle hatchling emergence. Journal of Thermal Biology 27(1): 71-81
Drake, D.L., M.A. Hagerty, J.E. Behm, and S.J. Goldenberg. Lepidochelys olivacea (Olive ridley sea turtle) predation. Herpetological Review 32(2): 104
Ross, D.A., J.K. Reaser, P. Kleeman and D.L. Drake. Rana luteiventris (Columbia spotted frog) mortality and site fidelity. Herpetological Review 30(3): 163
Drake, D.L. Marine turtle nesting, nest predation, hatch frequency, and nesting seasonality on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(1): 89-92
dana.drake@uconn.edu | |
Phone | 860-486-6154 |
Mailing Address | 213 Pharmacy/Biology Building 75 N. Eagleville Road, Unit 3043 Storrs CT 06269 |